Ethernet (MPLS Layer 2 VPN)

Point to point ethernet is our layer 2 solution. Available nationally, flexibly.


Our point to point ethernet circuits are delivered across our national MPLS network using layer 2 VPN technology.


Data Centre Interconnect


We can connect ethernet circuits between any of our points of presence and also between a very large number of locations Australia wide via our partner networks.


The list of data centres available for interconnect can be found here.


Direct business connectivity


For business premises connectivity we can utilise the Telstra Wholesale, Vocus, Optus, TPG/Pipe/AAPT networks to connect between almost any two points in Australia in a vendor neutral fashion.


An example of this may be that you need layer 2 connectivity between a site in Melbourne and a site in Brisbane but the Melbourne site is only serviceable by Telstra fibre and the Brisbane site is only serviceable by Optus fibre. Due to our wholesale arrangements we can simply connect access circuits back our network to deliver a unified solution.