Veeam Infrastructure Cloud Backup Pricing

All prices exclude GST.

Veeam Backup and Replication Enterprise licenses
Enterprise Virtual Machine License$10.50 per VM
Physical Server or Server on an unsupported HyperVisor$15.10 per Server
Workstation$5.80 per Workstation
Veeam Cloud Backup licenses
If you are using RWTS Veeam Backup and Replication Enterprise licenses the Cloud Backup licenses are included in the license price.
Enterprise Virtual Machine License$5.80 per VM
Physical Server or Server on an unsupported HyperVisor$8.20 per Server
Cloud Storage
Storage (0 – 5TB)$0.20 per GB
Storage (5 – 10TB)$0.17 per GB
Storage (10 – 20TB)$0.15 per GB
Storage (20TB+)$0.14 per GB
Professional Services
Veeam Professional Services$180 per hour